• Translation of a 150 words content and more

Translation of a 150 words content and more


Tip : Hizmet
Durum : Hizmet
Online Destek : Yok
reklam türü Hizmet reklam türü


I have a perfect command of the Arabic language which is my mother tongue but also the French language : I obtained the level C2 at the TCF. I write stories and poems but also articles in French : I know how to play with words and I master the rules of the French language perfectly. In addition, I also master journalistic and literary English after years of hard courses at the American Cultural Center. Finally, I have learned Turkish in recent years and I am specialized in the translation of Turkish. I am a trustworthy person, assiduous, devoted but above all passionate by French, Arabic, English and Turkish.

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  3. Gerçekçi olmayan tekliflere dikkat edin

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